Must Read Monday Internet Safety Month
As technology continues to advance and your firm’s reliance on technology increases, it’s time to create awareness and protect yourself, your firm and your clients against the risk of cyber threats.
For the month of June Lawyers’ Mutual will be bringing attention to Internet Safety and Cyber Security. Each Monday we will share a few simple steps to help your firm maintain an internet safe environment.
The two most common online threats to be cautious of are ransomware and email fraud.
What is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a type of malware that takes your business data and holds it hostage for a ransom, this could be in the form of currency or gift cards.
Signs of Ransomware
- Anomalous file system activity, such as hundreds of failed file modifications
- Increased CPU and disk activity for no apparent reason
- Inability to access certain files
- Suspicious network communications
What is Email Fraud?
Email fraud occurs when criminals impersonate a business contact, employee, customer or vendor to trick you into transferring money or sensitive information (like passwords) to the criminal.
Signs of Email Fraud
- Unverified email senders impersonating vendors/business partners
- Dangerous phishing emails containing bad link attachments from unverified sender
- Receiving “spam” or “junk” emails
The following are safety measures that can be implemented in protecting against both ransomware and email fraud:
- Two-factor authentication
- Uniquely strong passwords
- Educating and training employees (Teach them about red flags in malicious emails, such as corporate-looking email accounts, suspicious file attachments, suspicious links to external URLs)
- Secure your email system
- Use advanced endpoint protection
To learn more about how to protect against ransomware, email fraud and gain access to additional information regarding cybersecurity protection, log in to your CLE/Member Benefits portal.
Please email or call (818) 565-5512 ext. 280 for any questions.
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