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Providing stability through our strength
partnering with Lawyers’ Mutual
Positioning you for growth
Our Rates
Lawyers’ Mutual’s Standard Program provides every firm with an individualized premium that is based on the firm’s areas of practice, limits, claims history and location. Along with our excellent Standard Program, we offer two unique specialized programs; Strong Start Program for lawyers practicing less than 36 months and LILP, simple and sustainable for low income lawyers designed to help increase access to justice.
New Business
All new business applications should be emailed to lmic@lawyersmutual.com along with a copy of the firm’s letterhead. A Lawyers’ Mutual application is required for quoting purposes. A broker rating tool has been included with this packet for indication purposes. If a quote is accepted and a policy purchased, the applicant should return the signed quote and W-9 along with payment. Payment can be made online via ACH by the broker or credit card/ACH by the applicant. A written check can also be sent in via USPS.
A renewal premium estimate will be emailed to the broker’s primary email account (unless otherwise requested via hardcopy) approximately 60 days prior to their renewal date. The renewal premium estimate includes a Renewal Update Request to be completed by the insured. The premium indication is based on the expiring areas of practice we have on file for the insured. If there is a change in areas of practice, there may be a change in premium. The completed Renewal Update Request, letterhead and payment must then be returned to Lawyers’ Mutual prior to expiration date in order to renew the policy. Digital copies of a renewal can be emailed to renewals@lawyersmutual.com.
Adding & Deleting Attorneys
We require all changes to be submitted in writing and notification regarding any attorney changes must be made within 30 days of the effective change taking place. For additions, complete a Supplemental Application. For deletions, provide a written request and emailed to lmic@lawyersmutual.com.
Increased Limits
Increased limits are available for consideration at time of renewal and only one limit increase step is permitted at this time. The exception to this rule is if there is a contractual requirement requiring the midterm or additional step increase (evidence of contractual requirement needs to be provided). Complete an Increased Limits Application and email this request to lmic@lawyersmutual.com.

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