Tender a Claim
- Claim Type
- Tendering Process
Please Select a Claim Type
Standard Claim Tendering Process
Members are required to tender potential claims (Section 5.3 of the Policy) in writing as soon as possible and in advance of the renewal process.
Be sure to include a description of:
The specific act, error, omission or Personal Injury
The injury or damage which has or may result from such act, error, omission or Personal Injury
The circumstances by which the Insured firm became aware of such act, error, omission or Personal Injury
Submission Process
A Claim is defined under the Policy as “a demand including service of suit or institution of arbitration proceedings, for money against an Insured.”
• All Claims* must be reported in writing by letter, fax, or email
• Notification via telephone is not sufficient to constitute notice under the Policy
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our Claims Hotline.
tender@lawyersmutual.comClaims Administrator
Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company
3110 W. Empire Avenue
Burbank, CA 91504
(818) 565-5523
(800) 252-2045
Business Hours (Phone)
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Pacific
*Written or oral demands for money whether made in person, by email, letter, or any other form of communication or correspondence, including lawsuits and/or demands to arbitrate etc.
Cyber Tendering Process
If you suspect your organization has been the victim of a cybersecurity
incident or data breach, the first action item should be to put Lawyers’ Mutual
Insurance Company on notice in writing as soon as possible.
These steps will help ensure that you are not jeopardizing coverage for any
costs associated with the incident and that you are engaging experts vetted by
your carrier.
Do not pay any cyber ransom or extortion demand without prior authorization
from your cyber claims representative. Use caution when discussing the
incident. Limit discussions to a need-to-know basis, with communications
taking place over the phone or face-to-face rather than email. Avoid using the
term “breach” which can trigger legal obligations.Instead, call the event a
“security incident” or simply what it is, i.e. “a lost laptop.”
Contact Lawyers Mutual Immediately
To report a suspected data breach, please contact Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company by email or phone.
Note: Failure to report a breach immediately may impact your rights to coverage.
Have the Following Information Ready:
- Policy Number
- Firm Name
- Contact Name / Phone Number / Email
- Date of Incident
- Date of Incident Discovered
- Brief Description of Incident
- If ransomware, provide an alternative email address for us to contact you
Record Critical Facts Regarding the Incident
Date and time when the incident was discovered, who discovered the incident, what occurred, what systems and information were potentially compromised.
Secure the Scene
In order to preserve evidence, do not allow anyone to take any action on affected systems.
(800) 252-2045
Business Hours (Phone)
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Pacific
(818) 565-5523

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