Launch your career with confidence
Starting a legal practice is an exciting milestone, but it comes with challenges that require the right support. Lawyers’ Mutual is your trusted partner in building a strong foundation for your career.
new lawyer resources
Curated resources to help you get started
Lawyers’ Mutual offers resources tailored to new lawyers including continuing education programs and thought leadership to support your success in the early years of practice. Below you will find complimentary examples of some of the resources we offer our members.
Benefit from our comprehensive library of expert-led continuing legal education

Law and Motion Practice
Learn from Superior Court judges on preparing, submitting and arguing a matter in Law & Motion.

Solo Small Firm Practice Management
Learn key strategies to help you organize and streamline the business side of your practice.

What You Don’t Know About Trust Accounting Could Get You Disbarred
Explore what you need to know about Trust Accounting for your practice.

Mitigating the Stress and Anxiety of Practicing Law
Explore the latest trends in the legal profession on well-being.

So, You Want to Take a Deposition?
Receive guidance, refreshers, and useful information on preparing for deposition.

Ethics and Social Media
Explore the latest in social media liabilities in the new (2018) CA Rules of Professional Conduct.

The Other Bar – An Analysis of Alcohol and The Law
Explore alcohol related issues and the prevalence of drinking in society and the law profession.

The Art of Graceful Disagreement
Examine a lawyer’s ethical and professional duties as they relate to civility and professionalism.

Civility in the Courtroom
Explore courtroom behaviors and the impact of the Rules of Professional Conduct.

not sure where to start?